Project Details

    New Construction or Retrofit *

    Battery Storage System Information

    Utility Information (If Off-Grid, leave blank)

    Load Information

    Required Information

    • Two (2) Utility Bills – Summer & Winter
    • *Please attach 15-minute or 1-hour load data, if available. This can be found with Green Button data (log into your utility account online) or requesting it directly from the utility. (Refer to Appendix A for more information)
    • Please attach single-line diagrams and any documentation relevant to the project

    Other Resources (Only fill out if Microgrid Capable):

    Are there any other resources on the site that we should be aware of?

    • If Yes, please include size of system along with make/model.
    • If No, please note N/A or leave blank

    Battery Energy Storage
    Wind Turbine
    Other (Please Note)

    Appendix A – Green Button Data:
    Please refer to the links below for your Utility’s interval data and the proper steps to take to retrieve this data:

    Checklist of Utilites Commited to Implementing Green Button

    San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E):

    SDG&E Green Button Data Link

    Southern California Edison (SCE):

    SCE Green Button Data Link

    Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E):

    PG&E Green Button Data Link

    If Green Button Data is not present, contact your Utility to provide one (1) year’s worth of interval data.